Once upon a time...
"Once upon a time..." All the best stories start that way. So many tales from my carefree youth started that way so why shouldn't my own story embrace that timeless opener? April in 1969... I have no freakin' idea what it was like. For the better part of the month I was stuck in a womb. Well given my situation that's really where I belonged. But as May approached I felt that it was time for a change, I felt that it was time to enter the world. Clearly I had no idea what I was doing and this was a trend that would continue throughout my life. It was a different time in 69 (gee, that has a nice cadence to it :-D). Yup 1969 was home to the summer of love . No idea what that was about but from what I hear this year was a turning point in North American culture. Rock and Roll had firmly taken root and was blossoming thanks to the massive collective mind expansion of so many artists who indulged in mind altering substances. Their altered states gave t...